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secondary 4 | E Maths
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secondary 4 chevron_right E Maths chevron_right Singapore

Hi my qn is why can’t I reduce the fraction with (y)? I’m really confused how it can be reduced with (x) but not (y) pls explain to me thank u so much
Note: the correct answer is written in green on the side:)

Date Posted: 3 years ago
Views: 458
3 years ago
We can always cancel a numerator and denominator if there is a common factor.

Eg. 3/9

= (1×3)/(3×3)
= 1/3 × 3/3
= 1/3 × 1
= 1/3

(The simpler way taught in primary school is just to divide by 3 immediately to simplify)

Sub in some values to see why we can't cancel the y.

Let's say x = 5 and y = 7

2/x × xy/(3y + 4x)

= 2/5 × (5×7)/(3×7 + 4×5)

Here, denominator on the left is 5 and numerator on the right has a 5 . So you can cancel them as it is as good as dividing both by 5 to simplify.

= 2/1 × 7/(3×7 + 4×5)

= (2 × 7)/(3 × 7 + 4 × 5)

= (2 × 7)/41

Here, we cannot cancel the 7 in the numerator and the denominator immediately since we need to simplify the denominator first by adding 3×7 to 4×5)

If you can factor out a 7 in the denominator then yes you can cancel.
3 years ago
When you divide the denominator, you need to divide the whole thing and not just the 3y portion.


2y/x × xy/(3y + 4x)

= 2/1 × y/(3y + 4x)

= 2y/(3y + 4x) ★

If you continue to divide by y here,

= 2/((3y + 4x)/y)

= 2 / (3y/y + 4x/y)

= 2 / (3 + 4x/y)

In order to leave in the most simple or elegant form, we stop at ★

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AC Lim
Ac Lim's answer
13185 answers (A Helpful Person)
Hope you can see the difference between x and y.
Only if the 2 algebraic expression in the denominator was multiplying each other, you can cancel them off. Otherwise you have to leave them as it is since they are adding to each other.
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Shahin Shanofar
Shahin Shanofar's answer
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