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junior college 2 | H2 Maths
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junior college 2 chevron_right H2 Maths chevron_right Singapore

differentiation and application

Date Posted: 3 years ago
Views: 357

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Leong Zi Wei
Leong Zi Wei's answer
7 answers (Tutor Details)
Find the first derivative of the equation to find the gradient of the line, equate to the one given and solve for teeta, and subsequently the x and y coordinates.
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Leong Zi Wei
Leong Zi Wei's answer
7 answers (Tutor Details)
Find the equation of the tangent to find the x and y intercepts of the line.

With the coordinates, find the coordinates of the midpoint

Derive a parametric equation for the mid point and solve for the cartesian equation.

(Hihi, not too sure if there will be any careless mistake so do take note.)
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Leong Zi Wei
Leong Zi Wei's answer
7 answers (Tutor Details)
Find the equation of the tangent to find the x and y intercepts of the line.

With the coordinates, find the coordinates of the midpoint

Derive a parametric equation for the mid point and solve for the cartesian equation.

Check with GC.

(Hihi, not too sure if there will be any careless mistake so do take note.)
3 years ago
hi! I am able to solve till the mid point. But I don't know what to do with the mid point. In your answer (last picture), where did the y² come from and why y²?
Leong Zi Wei
Leong Zi Wei
3 years ago
hey! so basically the mid point coordinates will be following the two parametric equations as seen in the picture, the x and y coordinates.

the y^2 is just a method to fit them into a cartesian equation