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primary 6 | Maths | Speed
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Dylan Ang
Dylan Ang

primary 6 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Speed chevron_right Singapore

I need help with this question. Pls give me a p6 solution

Date Posted: 3 years ago
Views: 661

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A Philips
A Philips's answer
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Hope this helps .
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Sstrike's answer
5626 answers (A Helpful Person)
80-68 = 12
2×24 = 48
t = 48÷12 = 4
=592km (Ans)
Let t be the time taken that the two vehicles meet. Since the car travels faster, it will cover more distance in the same time. If both of them are travelling at the same speed, they will meet in the middle.This means that 24km is the distance that the car will cover more than the truck in t hrs.

Distance = speed x time
80t-68t = 24km
12t = 24km
t = 2h ( time taken for them to meet )

Total distance = distance travelled by car in 2 hrs + distance travelled by truck in 2hrs
= 2(80+68)
= [2h x 80km/h] + [2h x 68km/h]
= 296km(answer)
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Eugenec's answer
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